get html source of an URL

I have been using Python to write web crawler/spider/scraper for a long time. And it's an interesting experience indeed. The good news is, I have decided to share my web crawler experience with you. I shall use the terms crawler, spider, scraper alternatively.

The most basic thing to write a web spider is to get the html source (i.e. content) of an URL. There are many ways to do it. Here I post a simple code that gets the html source from an url.

import urllib2

url = '' # write the url here

usock = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =

print data

Urllib2 is a very useful module for the spiderman ;) so take a look at the documentation


Akdeniz said…
thanks really helped.
Unknown said…
Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.
shiva said…
Above mentioned that "There are many ways to read html content of a url" right ?. ok can u please tell the other modules/packages/ways that can be used to read html content of a url other than urllib2 in python ?
Tamim Shahriar said…
Yes, there are many ways. For example, you can use requests module. For details, please check this post:

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